
Sales, as the spearhead of the marketing effort of your business, is probably the most important department for the fortunes of corporate development.

CLPM has extensive experience in the areas of mobilization, distribution, penetration of new markets, and continuous optimization of the sales structure. Our sales professionals will implement the appropriate measures, tailored to your situation. Quickly and accurately.


Even absolute market transparency in the area of purchasing is not sufficient, if the implementation fails.

A world-class purchasing department requires special skills, techniques and instruments so as to realize maximum advantages for your business – even in difficult times. We provide functional expertise with strong analytical implementation skills. We optimize purchasing on the basis of alternative sourcing, make/buy decisions, supplier management, as well as the optimization of requirements and specifications.

Supply Chain

We understand the supply chain as a value chain from your suppliers down to your customers.

Our experts will collaborate with you to attain the holistic optimization of your supply chain. We balance all measures with the benefit of the company in mind. Our motto is that every measure must find its way into your product pricing as quickly as possible. To your

Management of personnel cost

For all companies, personnel is one of the most critical cost-driving factors. Excessive staff can be just as detrimental as limited capacity.

Our HR experts understand your strategy and your workload and are able to identify and implement the optimal staffing structure against this background.

We are creating efficient organizations with lean processes – in all industries.

Cost Management

You want to reduce your cost basis without jeopardizing your future growth prospects?

CLPM can support you in implementing such measures thanks to deep know-how and leading cost-reducing technologies. ConLead will point out ways beyond the classic cost-cutting idea.

We combine top know-how in the field of cost management with high-speed implementation.

Sustainability Management

Our ultimate goal is the sustainability of the effects achieved.

We lay the foundations for sustainable effects through involving the customer closely in the project – no ivory tower, no large team of consultants.

We institutionalize sustainable effects through the implementation of appropriate organizational elements and techniques such as CIP – Continuous Improvement Process, Kaizen and other change management processes.

Working Capital Management

Cash ist die entscheidende Komponente für den langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg. Der Weg dorthin führt immer über die Optimierung des Working Capitals.

Allerdings ist die reine Reduzierung der Bestände nicht der Königsweg. Unsere Experten entwickeln gemeinsam mit Ihnen den ausbalancierten Weg hin zu einem perfekten Working Capital, welches im Gesamtzusammenhang mit Ihren Unternehmenszielen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen steht.

Restructuring Liabilities

Thanks to our excellent relationships with sources of equity and debt capital, we dispose of a dense network of potential investors. Our knowledge of the requirements of investors and our reputation in the market allows us to effectively support customers in closing funding gaps.

Liquidity Management

In difficult times, the generation of liquidity becomes the ultimate goal. Together with your company, we will foster the establishment of a “cash culture” to find sustainable ways and means to monitor, control, and, above all, to generate liquidity quickly and efficiently.